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Complete Loss of miR-200 Family Induces EMT Associated Cellular Senescence in Gastric Cancer

[Oncogene] Genetic deletion of all miR-200s in the human gastric cancer cell lines induced potent morphological alterations, G1/S cell cycle arrest, increased senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity, and aberrant metabolism, collectively resembling the senescent phenotype.

TSSK4 Upregulation in Alveolar Epithelial Type-II Cells Facilitates Pulmonary Fibrosis through HSP90-AKT Signaling Restriction and AT-II Apoptosis

[Cell Death & Disease] Alveolar epithelial injury is one of the important pathological changes in idiopathic pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, but the regulatory mechanism remains unclear. Scientists reported that alveolar epithelial type-II cells played important roles in pathological process of pulmonary fibrosis.

Hair Shaft Miniaturization Causes Stem Cell Depletion through Mechanosensory Signals Mediated by a Piezo1-Calcium-TNF-α Axis

[Cell Stem Cell] Investigators demonstrated that hair shaft loss or a reduction in diameter shrunk the physical niche size, which resulted in mechanical compression of hair follicle stem cells and their apoptotic loss.

Genetic Deletion of the Cannabinoid Receptors CB1 and CB2 Enhances Inflammation with Diverging Effects on Skin Wound Healing in Mice

[Life Sciences] In order to clarify the role of endocannabinoid system receptors in wound healing, excisional wounds were created on wildtype and CB1 and CB2 knockout mice.

A Modified Animal Model of Hepatic Regeneration Induced by Hilar Bile Duct Ligation

[Scientific Reports] Scientists aimed to establish a new type of rapid liver hyperplasia model induced mainly by bile acid pathway through hepatoenteral circulation with hilar bile duct ligation. Immunohistochemistry results confirmed the proliferation of hepatocytes in the unligated liver lobe.

Resveratrol Reverses Osteogenic Decline of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Upregulation of YAP Expression in Inflammatory Environment

[Stem Cells and Development] Investigators found that TNF-α could upregulate inflammatory cytokines, Il-6, Mmp-9, and Il-1β, and establish an inflammatory environment.
