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Industry & Policy News

Infectious Disease Expert Laura Gibson, MD’94, Honored As WBJ Champion of Health Care

[UMass Chan Medical School] Dr. Laura Gibson at UMass Chan Medical School, is among the first to be honored with a Central Mass Champions of Health Care Award from the Worcester Business Journal (WBJ). The award honors those in health care “who are excelling in helping others, promoting innovation or improving access to care,” according to the WBJ.

Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center Awarded FDA Grant for Clinical Trial on Experimental AML/MDS Treatment

[Albert Einstein College of Medicine] Researchers at the National Cancer Institute-designated Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center were awarded a four-year, $2.6 million grant from the US FDA to conduct an innovative Phase I clinical trial of a new drug for patients with relapsed and treatment-resistant forms of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).

Call for Type 1 Diabetes Screening Gains Momentum

[University of Colorado] The approval of approval of Tzield (teplizumab) in November of 2022, the first-ever disease-modifying drug for T1D, boosted screening momentum. The BDC led clinical trials on the drug, which offers the first tangible reason for testing for the disease that halts glucose-regulating insulin production. In April, Simmons and her University of Colorado School Medicine colleagues became the first in the state to treat a clinical patient with the novel drug on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus.

IICD Faculty Members Named 2023 Allen Distinguished Investigators

[Columbia University] Two IICD faculty members, Elham Azizi - Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cancer Data Research and Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering - and José McFaline-Figueroa - Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering -, are among the 18 new Allen Distinguished Investigators.

Scientists at King’s College London and bit.bio Collaborate to Develop Multi-Cell Models of the Human Brain With Optimised Open-Source Protocols for Use by Any...

[bit.bio (BusinessWire, Inc.)] bit.bio, the company coding human cells for novel cures, and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College London today announce a collaboration to build multi-cell models of the human brain using bit.bio’s ioCells™️.

Most Clinical Trials Run in Canada Failed to Take Basic Steps Toward Transparency, Analysis Finds

[STAT News] Just 3% of more than 3,700 studies run exclusively in Canada over a recent 10-year period were registered prospectively, reported results, and published the findings, underscoring ongoing concerns about clinical trial transparency, according to a new analysis.
