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Induction of Immortal-Like and Functional CAR T Cells by Defined Factors

[Journal Of Experimental Medicine] Scientists demonstrated the induction of CAR T cells into an immortal-like and functional state, termed TIF. The induction of CARTIF cells depended on the repression of two factors, BCOR and ZC3H12A, and required antigen or CAR tonic signaling.

Precision Delivery of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells into the Pancreas Via Intra-arterial Injection Prevents the Onset of Diabetes

[Stem Cells Translational Medicine] Using a mouse model, in which repetitive low doses of STZ induced a gentle, but progressive, hyperglycemia, investigators tested bone marrow-derived MSCs which were shown to be enriched with pro-angiogenic and immunomodulatory factors.

Assembled/Disassembled Modular Scaffolds for Multicellular Tissue Engineering

[Advanced Materials] Through assembling cell-laden modules, the macrophage-MSC, endothelial cell-MSC and chondrocyte-MSC co-culture models were successfully established.

Hypoxia Drives Shared and Distinct Transcriptomic Changes in Two Invasive Glioma Stem Cell Lines

[Scientific Reports] Investigators surveyed eight patient-derived glioblastoma (GBM) stem cell lines for invasion phenotypes in 3D culture, which identified two GBM lines showing increased invasiveness in response to hypoxia.

Chronic Hypoxia Remodels the Tumor Microenvironment to Support Glioma Stem Cell Growth

[Acta Neuropathologica Communications] Researchers describe long-term cerebral organoids (COs) co-cultured with patient derived glioma stem cells (GSCs), a novel model in which COs were grown from embryonic stem cell cultures containing low levels of GSCs and tumor development wasmonitored over extended durations

DMRTA2 Supports Glioma Stem-Cell Mediated Neovascularization in Glioblastoma

[Cell Death & Disease] The authors showed the upregulation of DMRTA2 expression in malignant gliomas. Immunohistochemical staining showed the protein concentrated in small cells with high proliferative potential and cells localized around blood vessels, where it colocalized with pericyte-specific markers.
