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A Pumpless Monolayer Microfluidic Device Based on Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Conditioned Medium Promotes Neonatal Mouse In Vitro Spermatogenesis

[Stem Cell Research & Therapy] The authors generated a novel, pumpless, single polydimethylsiloxane-layered testis-on-chip platform providing a continuous and stabilized microfluidic flow and real-time cellular paracrine contribution of allogeneic bone marrow-derived MSCs.

Intra-individual Variability in the Neuroprotective and Promyelinating Properties of Conditioned Culture Medium Obtained from Human Adipose Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

[Stem Cell Research & Therapy] Researchers characterized the individual variability of the secretome of adipose tissue-derived MSCs with regard to potential therapeutical applications in neurology.

Phase-Separation Facilitated One-Step Fabrication of Multiscale Heterogeneous Two-Aqueous-Phase Gel

[Nature Communications] The authors presented a one-step fabrication method based on aqueous phase separation to construct two-aqueous-phase gels that comprise multiple phases with distinct physicochemical properties.

Oncolytic Therapy with Recombinant Vaccinia Viruses Targeting the Interleukin-15 Pathway Elicits a Synergistic Response

[Molecular Therapy Oncolytics] Scientists demonstrated that the admixture of these recombinant variants could promote the generation of the IL15/IL15Rα complex.

Asymmetric Cell Division Safeguards Memory CD8 T Cell Development

[Cell Reports] Scientists found that strong T cell receptor stimulation induces elevated asymmetric cell division rates, and subsequent single-cell-derived colonies comprise both effector and memory precursor cells.

Tailoring Vascular Phenotype through AAV Therapy Promotes Anti-Tumor Immunity in Glioma

[Cancer Cell] Researchers used a brain endothelial cell-targeted adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector to express LIGHT in the glioma vasculature.
