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Hydroxychloroquine in Stage 1 Type 1 Diabetes

[Diabetes Care] To test whether blocking innate immaune cells modulated progression of the disease, we randomly assigned 273 individuals with stage 1 T1D to treatment with hydroxychloroquine or placebo and assessed whether hydroxychloroquine treatment delayed or prevented progression to stage 2 T1D

Local BMP2 Hydrogel Therapy for Robust Bone Regeneration in a Porcine Model of Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease

[NPJ Regenerative Medicine] Scientists developed a bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP2)-hydrogel treatment via a transphyseal bone wash and subsequential injection of BMP2-loaded hydrogel.

Activation of the Transcription Factor NFAT5 in the Tumor Microenvironment Enforces CD8+ T Cell Exhaustion

[Nature Immunology] Researchers found that NFAT5, an NFAT family transcription factor that lacks an AP-1 docking site, was highly expressed in exhausted CD8+ T cells in the context of chronic infections and tumors but was selectively required in tumor-induced CD8M+ T cell exhaustion.

MDIG-Mediated H3K9me3 Demethylation Upregulates Myc by Activating OTX2 and Facilitates Liver Regeneration

[Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy] Researchers generated mice with liver-specific knockout of mineral dust-induced gene (MDIG) and applied partial hepatectomy or carbon tetrachloride mouse models to investigate the biological contribution of MDIG in liver regeneration.

Circ-RAPGEF5 Promotes Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Progression by Stabilizing SAE1 to Facilitate SUMOylation

[Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research] Circular RNA hsa_circ_0001681 was identified by circular RNA sequencing from 19 pairs of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and adjacent tissue samples.

Modeling Porcine NAFLD by Deletion of Leptin and Defining the Role of AMPK in Hepatic Fibrosis

[Cell & Bioscience] Due to the high similarity with humans, the authors generated leptin-deficient pigs to investigate the mechanisms and clinical trials of obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) caused by leptin.
