Adult Neural Stem Cells Have Latent Inflammatory Potential That Is Kept Suppressed by Tcf4 to Facilitate Adult Neurogenesis

we demonstrate that the adult hippocampal neural progenitors harbor an inflammatory potential that is proactively suppressed by transcription factor 4 (Tcf4).
[Science Advances]
Shariq, M., Sahasrabuddhe, V., Krishna, S., Radha, S., Nruthyathi, Bellampalli, R., Dwivedi, A., Cheramangalam, R., Reizis, B., Hébert, J., & Ghosh, H. S. (2021). Adult neural stem cells have latent inflammatory potential that is kept suppressed by Tcf4 to facilitate adult neurogenesis. Science Advances, 7(21), eabf5606. Cite
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