Breast Tumor Cell Invasion and Pro-invasive Activity of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Co-Targeted by Novel Urokinase-Derived Decapeptides

In three dimensional organotypic assays, peptide-exposed telomerase immortalised fibroblasts and primary cancer-associated fibroblasts from breast carcinoma patients both exhibited a markedly reduced pro-invasive ability of either HT1080 fibrosarcoma or MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells, respectively.
Belli, S., Franco, P., Iommelli, F., De Vincenzo, A., Brancaccio, D., Telesca, M., Merlino, F., Novellino, E., Ranson, M., Del Vecchio, S., Grieco, P., Carotenuto, A., & Stoppelli, M. P. (2020). Breast Tumor Cell Invasion and Pro-Invasive Activity of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Co-Targeted by Novel Urokinase-Derived Decapeptides. Cancers, 12(9), 2404. Cite
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