Orphan GPR116 Mediates the Insulin Sensitizing Effects of the Hepatokine FNDC4 in Adipose Tissue

Scientists found that the liver primarily controlled the circulating levels of soluble FNDC4 (sFNDC4) and lowering of the hepatokine FNDC4 led to prediabetes in mice.
[Nature Communications]
Georgiadi, A., Lopez-Salazar, V., Merahbi, R. E.-, Karikari, R. A., Ma, X., Mourão, A., Klepac, K., Bühler, L., Alfaro, A. J., Kaczmarek, I., Linford, A., Bosma, M., Shilkova, O., Ritvos, O., Nakamura, N., Hirose, S., Lassi, M., Teperino, R., Machado, J., … Herzig, S. (2021). Orphan GPR116 mediates the insulin sensitizing effects of the hepatokine FNDC4 in adipose tissue. Nature Communications, 12(1), 2999. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22579-1 Cite
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