Significance of Regional Population HLA Immunogenetic Datasets in the Efficacy of Umbilical Cord Blood Banks and Marrow Donor Registries: A Study of Cretan HLA Genetic Diversity

Researchers highlighted the importance of regional public cord blood banks in fulfilling hematopoietic stem cell transplantation needs, especially in countries with significant genetic diversity.
Latsoudis, H., Stylianakis, E., Mavroudi, I., Kanterakis, A., Pavlidis, P., Georgopoulou, A., Batsali, A., Gontika, I., Fragiadaki, I., Zamanakou, M., Germenis, A. E., & Papadaki, H. A. (2021). Significance of regional population HLA immunogenetic datasets in the efficacy of umbilical cord blood banks and marrow donor registries: a study of Cretan HLA genetic diversity. Cytotherapy, 0(0). Cite
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