Tag results:

T cells

Autoimmmune Hepatitis

[Cellular & Molecular Immunology] The authors offer a comprehensive overview of pathophysiological and clinical aspects of autoimmune hepatitis.

Enhancing Immunotherapy in Cancer by Targeting Emerging Immunomodulatory Pathways

[Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology] Scientists discuss the translational potential and clinical development of agents targeting both co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory T cell receptors.

Cognate Recognition of Microbial Antigens Defines Constricted CD4+ T Cell Receptor Repertoires in the Inflamed Colon

[Immunity] Researchers demonstrated key aspects of intestinal CD4+ T cell activation and suggested that few microbial species exert a dominant effect on the intestinal T cell repertoire during colitis.

Gut Epithelial IL-27 Confers Intestinal Immunity through the Induction of Intraepithelial Lymphocytes

[Journal of Experimental Medicine] Researchers revealed that in addition to its known regulatory properties in preventing immune hyperactivity, gut epithelial IL-27 confered barrier immunity by inducing a specific intraepithelial lymphocyte subset and further suggested that IL-27 produced by different cell types played distinct roles in maintaining intestinal homeostasis.

Revolutionary New Cancer CAR-T Cell Therapy Treatment World-First in New Zealand

[NewsHub] A revolutionary new cancer treatment has arrived in New Zealand in the form of a cocoon. The machine is used for what is called CAR-T cell therapy, which reprogrammes a patient's cells to fight their cancer.

Epigenetic Regulation of Immunosuppressive Tumor-Associated Macrophages through Dysregulated MicroRNAs

[Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology] Investigators discuss the available literature on the subject, including the exosomes mediated transfer of miRNAs between cancer cells and the macrophages within the tumor microenvironment.
