Tag results:

chronic inflammation

Immune Translational Control by CPEB4 Regulates Intestinal Inflammation Resolution and Colorectal Cancer Development

[iScience] Researchers addressed the contribution of posttranscriptional regulation, by the RNA-binding protein CPEB4, to intestinal immune homeostasis and its role in inflammatory bowel diseases and CRC development.

Neutrophils in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases

[Cellular & Molecular Immunology] The authors highlight the interaction of neutrophils with other cells in the context of chronic inflammation, the contribution of neutrophils to selected chronic inflammatory diseases, and possible future therapeutic strategies.

K63 Ubiquitination in Immune Signaling

[Trends in Immunology] The authors detail the novel cellular sensors that are dependent on K63 ubiquitination for their function in the immune signaling network.

T Cells: Friends and Foes in NASH Pathogenesis and Hepatocarcinogenesis

[Hepatology] Scientists review the specific functions of several T cell populations involved in NAFLD and NAFLD-driven HCC.

Prevalence and Variation of CHIP in Patients with Aggressive Lymphomas Undergoing CD19-Directed CAR-T Cell Treatment

[Blood Advances] The authors defined the prevalence and variation of clonal hematopoiesis of indetermined potential (CHIP) over time and assessed the influence on clinical inflammation syndromes, cytopenia and outcome.

Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Cancer

[Science] Investigators discuss how tertiary lymphoid structures (TLSs) are detected and defined, the mechanism(s) of formation in cancer, and the potential of targeting TLSs for therapeutic benefit.
