Tag results:

colorectal cancer

Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Induced Protein 8-like 2 Fosters Tumor-Associated Microbiota to Promote the Development of Colorectal Cancer

[Cancer Immunology Research] The authors suggested that hematopoietic TIPE2 regulated intestinal anti-tumor immunity by regulation of gut microbiota. TIPE2 may represent a new therapeutic target for treating colorectal cancer.

Tumor Cell Apoptosis Modulates the Colorectal Cancer Immune Microenvironment via Interleukin-8-Dependent Neutrophil Recruitment

[Cell Death & Disease] The authors investigated the impact of apoptotic colorectal cancer cells on neutrophils and its consequence on other immune cells of the tumor microenvironment.

Aspirin Activates Resolution Pathways to Reprogram T Cell and Macrophage Responses in Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer

[Science Advances] The authors demonstrated that aspirin increased concentrations of the immune-regulatory aspirin-triggered (AT) specialized proresolving mediators, including AT-lipoxin A4 and AT-resolvin D1, in colonic tissues during inflammation-associated colorectal cancer.

Loss of NFE2L3 Protects against Inflammation-Induced Colorectal Cancer through Modulation of the Tumor Microenvironment

[Oncogene] Researchers investigated the role of the NFE2L3 transcription factor in inflammation-induced colorectal cancer.

Tumor-Associated Neutrophils Secrete AGR2 to Promote Colorectal Cancer Metastasis via Its Receptor CD98hc–xCT

[Gut] Scientists investigated the cellular source for secreted anterior gradient-2 (AGR2) in the tumor microenvironment and underlying mechanisms mediating secreted AGR2’s effects.

Canonical TGFβ Signaling Induces Collective Invasion in Colorectal Carcinogenesis through a Snail1- and Zeb1-Independent Partial EMT

[Oncogene] The authors investigated the impact of oncogenic transformation and the microenvironment on tumor cell invasion using genetically engineered organoids as colorectal cancer models.
