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Human Alveolar Type 2 Epithelium Transdifferentiates into Metaplastic KRT5+ Basal Cells

[Nature Cell Biology] Researchers demonstrated that human alveolar type 2 cells (hAEC2s), unlike murine AEC2s, transdifferentiated into basal cells in response to fibrotic signaling in the lung mesenchyme, in vitro and in vivo.

CXCL4 Drives Fibrosis by Promoting Several Key Cellular and Molecular Processes

[Cell Reports] Investigators confirmed that CXCL4 directly induced myofibroblast differentiation and collagen synthesis in different precursor cells, including endothelial cells, by stimulating endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition.

Transforming Growth Factor-β in Myocardial Disease

[Nature Reviews Cardiology] The authors summarize the current evidence on the role of TGFβ signaling in myocardial diseases, focusing on cellular targets and molecular mechanisms, and discuss challenges and opportunities for therapeutic translation.

Heterocellular OSM-OSMR Signaling Reprograms Fibroblasts to Promote Pancreatic Cancer Growth and Metastasis

[Nature Communications] Scientists described how heterocellular Oncostatin M (OSM) - Oncostatin M Receptor (OSMR) signaling reprograms fibroblasts, regulates tumor growth and metastasis.

Anatomically Distinct Fibroblast Subsets Determine Skin Autoimmune Patterns

[Nature] The authors identified subsets of dermal fibroblasts that were responsible for driving patterned autoimmune activity, by using a robust mouse model of vitiligo that was based on the activation of endogenous auto-reactive CD8+ T cells that targeted epidermal melanocytes.

Hippo Pathway Effector Tead1 Induces Cardiac Fibroblast to Cardiomyocyte Reprogramming

[Journal of the American Heart Association] The conversion of fibroblasts into induced cardiomyocytes may regenerate myocardial tissue from cardiac scar through in situ cell transdifferentiation. Scientists explored the leveraging of Hippo pathway intermediates to enhance induced cardiomyocyte generation.
