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Androgen Receptor Signaling Promotes Treg Suppressive Function during Allergic Airway Inflammation

[Journal of Clinical Investigation] Using androgen receptor (AR) deficient and Foxp3 fate-mapping mice, researchers determined that AR signaling increased Treg suppression during Alternaria extract challenge by stabilizing Foxp3+ Tregs and limiting the number of ST2+ ex-Tregs and IL-13+ Th2 and ex-Tregs.

Neutrophils as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

[Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology] The authors outline the evidence in support of neutrophils as drivers of hepatocellular carcinoma and detail their mechanistic roles in development, progression and metastasis, highlighting the reasons that neutrophils are well worth investigating despite the challenges associated with studying them.

Hyperinflammatory Environment Drives Dysfunctional Myeloid Cell Effector Response to Bacterial Challenge in COVID-19

[PLoS Pathogens] Investigators assessed the influence of COVID-19 plasma hypercytokinemia on the functional responses of myeloid immune cells upon bacterial challenges from acute-phase COVID-19 patients and their corresponding recovery (rec)-phase.

CU06-1004 Enhances Vascular Integrity and Improves Cardiac Remodeling by Suppressing Edema and Inflammation in Myocardial Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury

[Experimental and Molecular Medicine] Investigators found that CU06-1004, as a vascular leakage blocker, could improve cardiac function by inhibiting cardiac microvascular endothelial cells' hyperpermeability and subsequently reducing the neutrophil’s plugging and infiltration in infarcted hearts.

HLA 1–3 Antigen-Mismatched Related Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Transplantation Using Low-Dose Antithymocyte Globulin versus Unrelated Cord Blood Transplantation

[American Journal of Hematology] Researchers evaluated 7861 patients with hematologic malignancies who received either a cord blood transplantr without anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) or an HLA 1-3 antigen–mismatched related donor peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation using low-dose ATG.

Complement Activation Induces Excessive T Cell Cytotoxicity in Severe COVID-19

[Cell] Researchers identified highly activated, CD16+ T cells with increased cytotoxic functions in severe COVID-19.
