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Recombinant Lloviu Virus as a Tool to Study Viral Replication and Host Responses

[PLoS Pathogens] Similar to other filoviruses, recombinant Lloviu virus formed filamentous virions and induced the formation of characteristic inclusions in the cytoplasm of the infected cells, as shown by electron microscopy.

ECM1 Modified HF-MSCs Targeting HSC Attenuate Liver Cirrhosis by Inhibiting the TGF-β/Smad Signaling Pathway

[Cell Death Discovery] To improve the effectiveness of naïve hair follicle-derived-MSC (HF-MSC) treatments on liver cirrhosis (LC), the authors used bioinformatic tools to identify an exogenous gene targeting hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) among the differentially expressed genes in LC to modify HF-MSCs.

Temporal Analyses of Postnatal Liver Development and Maturation by Single-Cell Transcriptomics

[Developmental Cell] Researchers observed unexpectedly high levels of hepatocyte heterogeneity in the developing liver and the progressive construction of the zonated metabolic functions from pericentral to periportal hepatocytes, which was orchestrated with the development of sinusoid endothelial, stellate, and Kupffer cells.

Endocan, a Soluble Marker of Endothelial Cell Activation Is a Molecular Marker of Disease Severity in Women with Preeclampsia

[Reproductive Sciences] Scientists hypothesized that women diagnosed with preeclampsia and/or fetal growth restriction have elevated circulating endocan concentrations in direct relationship with severity of clinical manifestations.

Cullin Neddylation Inhibitor Attenuates Hyperglycemia by Enhancing Hepatic Insulin Signaling through Insulin Receptor Substrate Stabilization

[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America] In vitro knockdown of either cullin 1 or cullin 3, but not other cullin members, attenuated insulin-induced insulin receptor substrate protein degradation and enhanced cellular insulin signaling activation.

A Macrophage-Hepatocyte Glucocorticoid Receptor Axis Coordinates Fasting Ketogenesis

[Cell Metabolism] Researchers combined cell-type-resolved genomics and computational approaches to map crosstalk between hepatocytes and liver macrophages during fasting.
