Tag results:

induced pluripotent stem cells

StemBond Hydrogels Control the Mechanical Microenvironment for Pluripotent Stem Cells

[Nature Communications] Investigators developed StemBond hydrogels, a hydrogel in which matrix tethering was robust and could be varied independently of stiffness, and validated it by showing that they provided an optimal system for culturing mouse and human pluripotent stem cells.

Dystonia-Specific Mutations in THAP1 Alter Transcription of Genes Associated with Neurodevelopment and Myelin

[American Journal of Human Genetics] Scientists established a pipeline for characterizing an allelic series of dystonia-specific mutations. They used this strategy to investigate the molecular consequences of genetic variation in THAP1, which encoded a transcription factor linked to neural differentiation.

Impaired Neural Differentiation of MPS IIIA Patient Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells

[Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports] Investigators demonstrated the generation of Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA (MPS IIIA) iPSCs, and neural progenitor cells, the latter of which display reduced proliferation and neurogenic capacity.

The Proteomic Architecture of Schizophrenia iPSC-Derived Cerebral Organoids Reveals Alterations in GWAS and Neuronal Development Factors

[Translational Psychiatry] Utilizing iPSCs from 25 human donors, researchers generated 3D cerebral organoids, employed 16-plex isobaric sample-barcoding chemistry, and simultaneously subjected samples to comprehensive high-throughput liquid-chromatography/mass-spectrometry quantitative proteomics.

YAP Inhibition Promotes Endothelial Cell Differentiation from Pluripotent Stem Cell through EC Master Transcription Factor FLI1

[Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology] Scientists checked transcriptional profile by microarray and found Hippo pathway was changed and the activity of YAP decreased during mesoderm-mediated endothelial cell differentiation from human ESCs.

Regeneration of Antigen-Specific T Cells by Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) Technology

[International Immunology] To apply the iPSC-based cell therapy in an allogeneic setting, the authors developed a method in which non-T cell-derived iPSCs were transduced with exogenous T cell receptor genes.
