Tag results:

intestinal cells

TKT Maintains Intestinal ATP Production and Inhibits Apoptosis-Induced Colitis

[Cell Death & Disease] How transketolase (TKT) functions in the intestinal epithelium remains to be elucidated. To address this question, researchers specifically deleted TKT in intestinal epithelial cells.

Serum Amyloid A Delivers Retinol to Intestinal Myeloid Cells to Promote Adaptive Immunity

[Science] Researchers showed that low-density lipoprotein receptor—related protein 1 mediated cell surface binding and the endocytosis of serum amyloid A-retinol complexes in cultured cells.

Integrin αEβ7+ T Cells Direct Intestinal Stem Cell Fate Decisions via Adhesion Signaling

[Cell Research] Researchers uncovered a novel role of T cell–stem/transient amplifying cell contact in intestinal stem cell (ISC) fate decisions. They showed that intestinal lymphocyte depletion results in skewed ISC differentiation in mice, which can be rescued by T cell transfer.

Dietary Suppression of MHC Class II Expression in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Enhances Intestinal Tumorigenesis

[Cell Stem Cell] Researchers showed that a high-fat diet reduced the expression of the major histocompatibility complex class II genes in intestinal epithelial cells, including intestinal stem cells.

STRAP is a Critical Mediator of APC Mutation-Induced Intestinal Tumorigenesis through a Feed-Forward Mechanism

[Gastroenterology] The authors generated Strap intestinal epithelial knockout mice by crossing mice containing floxed alleles of Strap with Villin-Cre mice. They used human colon cancer cell lines and human and mouse colon tumor-derived organoids for STRAP knockdown/knockout and overexpression experiments.

KFP-1, a Novel Calcium-Binding Peptide Isolated from Kefir, Promotes Calcium Influx through TRPV6 Channels

[Molecular Nutrition & Food Research] The authors suggested that KFP-1, a novel calcium-binding peptide, bound extracellular calcium ions and entered Caco-2 and IEC-6 cells, and promoted calcium uptake through TRPV6 calcium channels.
