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High Throughput Screening of Bisphenols and Their Mixtures under Conditions of Low-Intensity Adipogenesis of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs)

[Food and Chemical Toxicology] The authors described a ten-day long adipogenesis model using high content analysis readouts for adipocyte number, size, and lipid content on primary human MSC sensitive enough to compare bisphenol A derivatives quantitatively in a robust and high throughput manner.

Therapeutic Strategies Targeting Inflammation and Immunity in Atherosclerosis: How to Proceed?

[Nature Reviews Cardiology] Scientists provide strategic guidance for the translation of novel targets of immunotherapy into improvements in patient outcomes.

On-Going Consequences of In Utero Exposure of Pb: An Epigenetic Perspective

[Journal of Applied Toxicology] The authors review currently available information on lead (Pb)-mediated alterations in the fetal epigenome is summarized.

Gut Microbiota–Derived Metabolite 3-Idoleacetic Acid Together with LPS Induces IL-35+ B Cell Generation

[Microbiome] Scientists investigated the regulatory effects of the gut microbiota on IL-35+ cells by using genetically modified mouse models of obesity.

Oral Cyanobacteria and Hepatocellular Carcinoma

[Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention] Bacterial 16S rRNA sequences were evaluated in oral samples from 90 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cases and 90 controls who were a part of a larger US case–control study of HCC among patients diagnosed from 2011 to 2016. The authors provides novel evidence that oral Cyanobacteria may be an independent risk factor for HCC.

T Cells: Friends and Foes in NASH Pathogenesis and Hepatocarcinogenesis

[Hepatology] Scientists review the specific functions of several T cell populations involved in NAFLD and NAFLD-driven HCC.
