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Neurotransmitter Signaling Regulates Distinct Phases of Multimodal Human Interneuron Migration

[EMBO Journal] Scientists used cerebral organoids to identify key roles of neurotransmitter signaling pathways in guiding the migratory behavior of human cortical interneurons.

The Proteomic Architecture of Schizophrenia iPSC-Derived Cerebral Organoids Reveals Alterations in GWAS and Neuronal Development Factors

[Translational Psychiatry] Utilizing iPSCs from 25 human donors, researchers generated 3D cerebral organoids, employed 16-plex isobaric sample-barcoding chemistry, and simultaneously subjected samples to comprehensive high-throughput liquid-chromatography/mass-spectrometry quantitative proteomics.

Synthetic Liver Fibrotic Niche Extracts Achieve In Vitro Hepatoblasts Phenotype Enhancement and Expansion

[iScience] Investigators optimized the in vitro liver fibrotic niches and subsequently harvested their bioactive ingredients as niche extracts

Stimulation of Motilin Secretion by Bile, Free Fatty Acids and Acidification in Human Duodenal Organoids

[Molecular Metabolism] Human duodenal organoids were CRISPR-Cas9 modified to express the fluorescent protein Venus or the Ca2+ sensor GCaMP7s under control of the endogenous motilin promoter.

Biobanking of Human Gut Organoids for Translational Research

[Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis] Focusing on human intestinal organoids, researcher highlight some of the key aspects that need to be considered and provide an outlook for future development in this exciting field.

Gastrointestinal Cancer Organoids—Applications in Basic and Translational Cancer Research

[Experimental and Molecular Medicine] Scientists describe different gastrointestinal organoid methodologies and their applications for basic and translational cancer research.
