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A Roadmap for the Human Developmental Cell Atlas

[Nature] The authors outline the the Human Developmental Cell Atlas initiative and the challenges of mapping and modelling human development using state-of-the-art technologies to create a reference atlas across gestation.

The Expressed Mutational Landscape of Microsatellite Stable Colorectal Cancers

[Genome Medicine] Whole-exome and total RNA sequencing was performed on 137 samples from 121 microsatellite stable colorectal cancers, including multiregional samples of primary and metastatic tumors from 4 patients.

iPSC Toolbox for Understanding and Repairing Disrupted Brain Circuits in Autism

[Molecular Psychiatry] The authors discuss how deficits in neurodevelopmental processes may lead to abnormal brain connectivity and how iPSC-based models can be used to identify abnormal connections and to gain insights into underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms to develop novel therapeutics.

Cilium Induction Triggers Differentiation of Glioma Stem Cells

[Cell Reports] Investigators showed that patient-derived glioma-stem cells recruited elevated levels of proteins that ensure the temporal cilium disassembly, leading to suppressed ciliogenesis.

Tumor-Initiating Stem Cell Shapes Its Microenvironment into an Immunosuppressive Barrier and Pro-Tumorigenic Niche

[Cell Reports] Using DNA-label retaining, single-cell RNA sequencing, and other approaches, researchers investigated intestinal adenoma in response to chemoradiotherapy, thus identifying therapy-resistant tumor-initiating stem cells.

Translational Models of 3-D Organoids and Cancer Stem Cells in Gastric Cancer Research

[Stem Cell Research & Therapy] Investigators developed precise culture conditions for gastric organoids in vitro to improve the accuracy of the generation of organoid models for therapeutic and medical applications.
