Tag results:

single-cell RNA sequencing

Microskeletal Stiffness Promotes Aortic Aneurysm by Sustaining Pathological Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Mechanosensation via Piezo1

[Nature Communications] Scientists showed defective mechano-phenotype signatures of vascular smooth muscle cells in abdominal aortic aneurysms measured with ultrasound tweezers-based micromechanical system and single-cell RNA sequencing technique.

Tracing PRX1+ Cells during Molar Formation and Periodontal Ligament Reconstruction

[International Journal of Oral Science] Investigators assessed the cell fate of PRX1+ cells during molar development and periodontal ligament (PDL) formation in mice, and performed single-cell RNA sequencing analysis to study the distribution of PRX1+ cells in PDL cells.

Characterization of the COPD Alveolar Niche Using Single-Cell RNA Sequencing

[Nature Communications] The authors analyzed single-cell RNA sequencing profiles of explanted lung tissue from subjects with advanced COPD or control lungs and identified a subpopulation of alveolar epithelial type II cells with transcriptional evidence for aberrant cellular metabolism and reduced cellular stress tolerance in COPD.

Multi-Omic Analysis Reveals Divergent Molecular Events in Scarring and Regenerative Wound Healing

[Cell Stem Cell] Scientists profiled scarring versus YAP-inhibition-induced wound regeneration at the transcriptional, protein, and tissue levels, and showed that disrupting YAP mechanotransduction yielded regenerative repair by fibroblasts with activated Trps1 and Wnt signaling.

Single-Cell Sequencing Reveals Lineage-Specific Dynamic Genetic Regulation of Gene Expression during Human Cardiomyocyte Differentiation

[PLoS Genetics] During a dynamic process such as cellular differentiation, the overall cell type composition of a tissue (or an in vitro culture) and the gene regulatory profile of each cell can both experience significant changes over time.

Midbrain Organoids Mimic Early Embryonic Neurodevelopment and Recapitulate LRRK2-p.Gly2019Ser-Associated Gene Expression

[American Journal of Human Genetics] The authors compared single-cell RNA-sequencing data of human midbrain organoids to the developing human embryonic midbrain.
