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A Platform for Efficient Establishment and Drug-Response Profiling of High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer Organoids

[Developmental Cell] Scientists established organoids from cryopreserved material, demonstrating the feasibility of using viably biobanked tissue for high-grade serous ovarian cancer organoid derivation.

A Single-Cell Multiomic Analysis of Kidney Organoid Differentiation

[Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America] Using single-cell multiome and histone modification analysis, the authors reported more broadly open chromatin in organoid cell types compared to the human adult kidney.

Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis of Xenotransplanted Human Retinal Organoids Defines Two Migratory Cell Populations of Nonretinal Origin

[Stem Cell Reports] Investigators transplanted human retinal organoid-derived cells into photoreceptor-deficient mice and conducted histology and single-cell RNA sequencing alongside time-matched cultured retinal organoids.

An In Vivo Neuroimmune Organoid Model to Study Human Microglia Phenotypes

[Cell] The authors developed an in vivo xenotransplantation approach that allowed for the study of functionally mature human microglia that operated within a physiologically relevant, vascularized immunocompetent human brain organoid model.

Redefining Normal Breast Cell Populations Using Long Noncoding RNAs

[Nucleic Acids Research] Researchers discovered thousands of long noncoding RNAs expressed in human mammary epithelial cells and analyzed their expression in individual cells of the normal breast.

KK-LC-1 as a Therapeutic Target to Eliminate ALDH+ Stem Cells in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

[Nature Communications] Scientists showed that Kita-Kyushu lung cancer antigen-1 (KK-LC-1) determined the stemness of TNBC aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH)+ cells via binding with FAT1 and subsequently promoting its ubiquitination and degradation.
