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Prognostic and Therapeutic Potential of Senescent Stromal Fibroblasts in Prostate Cancer

[Nature Reviews Urology] Senescent fibroblasts in the prostatic stroma can exhibit a senescence-associated secretory phenotype in the tumour microenvironment, which can contribute to increased local inflammation, thereby promoting prostate cancer progression and resistance to therapy.

CD8 T Cell Subsets: Heterogeneity, Functions, and Therapeutic Potential

[Experimental & Molecular Medicine] The authors highlight recent advancements in the understanding of CD8 T-cell subsets and the contributions of these cells to various disease pathologies.

From Workout to Molecular Switches: How Does Skeletal Muscle Produce, Sense, and Transduce Subcellular Redox Signals?

[Free Radical Biology and Medicine] The authors delve into the current research on subcellular redox biochemistry and its role in the physiological adaptations to exercise.

Congenital Lung Malformations

[Nature Reviews Disease Primers] By summarizing current progress in congenital lung malformation diagnosis, management, and molecular understanding, the authors highlighted open questions that require urgent attention.

The Prothrombotic Tendency of Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease

[Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis] The authors review the safety and efficacy of anticoagulation in advanced liver disease and consider whether antithrombotic agents could slow or halt the progression of fibrosis in metabolic-associated fatty liver disease.

Progress in the Understanding of Estrogen Receptor Alpha Signaling in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Reactivation of Silenced ER-α and Signaling through ER-α36

[Molecular Cancer Research] The reactivation of estrogen receptor alpha (ER-α), presents a potential strategy to re-sensitize TNBC to hormonal therapy. Scientists provide up-to-date information related to the direct involvement of miRNA in regulating the translation of ER-α mRNA.
