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MuSCs and IPCs: Roles in Skeletal Muscle Homeostasis, Aging, and Injury

[Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences] The authors highlight the heterogeneity, molecular markers, and functional properties of interstitial progenitor cells, and explore the role of muscle stem/progenitor cells in skeletal muscle homeostasis, aging, and muscle-related diseases.

Clinical Applications of Circulating Tumor Cells in Patients with Solid Tumors

[Clinical & Experimental Metastasis] The authors critically review the current implications of liquid biopsy, with special focus on circulating tumor cells, and describe the hurdles that need to be addressed before liquid biopsy can be implemented in clinical standard of care guidelines.

Crosstalk Among Glial Cells in the Blood–Brain Barrier Injury After Ischemic Stroke

[Molecular Neurobiology] The authors discuss the current knowledges about the vital and dual roles of astrocytes and microglia on the blood–brain barrier breakdown during ischemic stroke.

Bioengineered In Vitro Three-Dimensional Tumor Models in Endocrine Cancers

[Endocrine-Related Cancer] Scientists provide descriptions of bioengineered 3D tumor models, such as organoids and tumor-on-a-chip systems, focusing on thyroid, adrenal, and neuroendocrine tumors and how they have been and are being applied in the context of endocrine tumors.

Anti-Stroke Biologics: From Recombinant Proteins to Stem Cells and Organoids

[Stroke and Vascular Neurology] The authors introduce the current or promising recombinant proteins for thrombolysis therapy in ischemic stroke and highlight the promise and challenges of stem cells and cerebral organoids in stroke therapy.

Reprogramming Natural Killer Cells for Cancer Therapy

[Molecular Therapy] The authors summarize current clinical trials of antitumor NK cell therapy, provide an overview of innovative strategies for reprogramming NK cells, and also discuss some potential combination therapies.
