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Breaking Physical Barrier of Fibrotic Breast Cancer for Photodynamic Immunotherapy by Remodeling Tumor Extracellular Matrix and Reprogramming Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts

[ACS Nano] Investigators developed FPC@S, a photodynamic immunomodulator that targeted the ECM, to improve the photodynamic immunotherapy for fibrotic breast cancer. FPC@S combined a tumor ECM-targeting peptide, a photosensitizer and an antifibrotic drug.

Advanced Liver Fibrosis Is Associated with Decreased Gait Speed in Older Patients with Chronic Liver Disease

[Scientific Reports] The authors investigated whether the progression of liver fibrosis affects the prevalence of sarcopenia and incidence of decreased gait speed in older patients with chronic liver disease.

Microglial Over-Pruning of Synapses During Development in Autism-Associated SCN2A-Deficient Mice and Human Cerebral Organoids

[Molecular Psychiatry] Scientists established a microglia-incorporated human cerebral organoid model carrying an SCN2A protein-truncating mutation identified in children with autism spectrum disorder. They found that human microglia display increased elimination of post-synapse in cerebral organoids carrying the SCN2A mutation.

Human Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Dysregulates Neurodevelopmental Pathways in Cerebral Organoids

[Communications Biology] Scientists investigated potential CMV pathogenetic mechanisms of fetal neural malformation using in vitro human cerebral organoids. Cerebral organoids were permissive to CMV replication, and infection dysregulated cellular pluripotency and differentiation pathways.

Human Platelet Lysate Enhances In Vivo Activity of CAR-Vδ2 T Cells by Reducing Cellular Senescence and Apoptosis

[Cytotherapy] Scientists sought to enhance the in vivo longevity of CAR-Vδ2 T cells by modulating ex vivo manufacturing conditions and selecting an optimal CAR costimulatory domain.

Inhibition of CERS1 in Skeletal Muscle Exacerbates Age-Related Muscle Dysfunction

[eLife] Researchers implicated the ceramide synthases (CERS) 1 enzyme of the de novo sphingolipid synthesis pathway in the pathogenesis of age-related skeletal muscle impairment.
