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New Horizons for the Role of RNA N6-Methyladenosine Modification in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

The authors elucidate the multifaceted biological functions of N6-methyladenosine modifications in HCC, and concurrently advancing novel therapeutic strategies for the management of this malignancy. [Acta Pharmacologica Sinica] Abstract

Extracellular Matrix as a Driver of Chronic Lung Diseases

[American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology] The authors review evolving knowledge about the extracellular matrix’s role in homeostasis and disease in the lung.

LCN2: Versatile Players in Breast Cancer

[Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy] The authors in-depth review of the advancement of Lipocalin 2 (LCN2) in the context of breast cancer occurrence and development.

Breaking the Mold With RNA—A “RNAissance” of Life Science

[NPJ Genomic Medicine] Investigators provide a forward-looking perspective on the field of RNA medical products and the potential long-term innovations and policy shifts enabled by this revolutionary and game-changing technological platform.

Resveratrol and p53: How Are They Involved in CRC Plasticity and Apoptosis?

[Journal of Advanced Research] Investigators summarize the latest published research on resveratrol’s effect in the prevention of CRC, its regulatory actions, specifically on the p53 pathway, and its treatment options.

Neocortical Neurogenesis in Development and Evolution—Human-Specific Features

[Journal of Comparative Neurology] The authors review the ability of ARHGAP11B to amplify basal progenitors and to expand a primate neocortex and discuss the contribution of ARHGAP11B to neocortex expansion during human evolution.
