Regulation of Longevity by Depolarization-Induced Activation of PLC-β–IP3R Signaling in Neurons

The authors describe a mechanism by which depolarized neurons elevated the somatic ATP/ADP ratio in Drosophila glutamatergic neurons.
[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America]
Wong, C.-O., Karagas, N. E., Jung, J., Wang, Q., Rousseau, M. A., Chao, Y., Insolera, R., Soppina, P., Collins, C. A., Zhou, Y., Hancock, J. F., Zhu, M. X., & Venkatachalam, K. (2021). Regulation of longevity by depolarization-induced activation of PLC-β–IP3R signaling in neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(16). Cite
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