Conserved Genetic Signatures Parcellate Cardinal Spinal Neuron Classes Into Local and Projection Subsets

The authors reasoned that the expansion of new neuronal types occurred in a stepwise manner analogous to animal speciation, and they explored this by defining transcriptomic relationships using a top-down approach.
Osseward, P. J., Amin, N. D., Moore, J. D., Temple, B. A., Barriga, B. K., Bachmann, L. C., Beltran, F., Gullo, M., Clark, R. C., Driscoll, S. P., Pfaff, S. L., & Hayashi, M. (2021). Conserved genetic signatures parcellate cardinal spinal neuron classes into local and projection subsets. Science, 372(6540), 385–393. Cite
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