BBIT20 Inhibits Homologous DNA Repair with Disruption of the BRCA1-BARD1 Interaction in Breast and Ovarian Cancer

To unveil dregamine 5‐bromo‐pyridin‐2‐ylhydrazone (BBIT20), antitumor activity and underlying molecular mechanism of action, 2D and 3D cell cultures, patient-derived cell lines and xenograft mouse models were used.
[British Journal of Pharmacology]
Raimundo, L., Paterna, Â., Calheiros, J., Ribeiro, J., Cardoso, D., Piga, I., Neto, S. J., Hegan, D., Glazer, P. M., Indraccolo, S., Mulhovo, S., Costa, J. L., Ferreira, M.-J. U., & Saraiva, L. (n.d.). BBIT20 inhibits homologous DNA repair with disruption of the BRCA1-BARD1 interaction in breast and ovarian cancer. British Journal of Pharmacology, n/a(n/a). Cite