Overexpression of microRNA-340-5p Ameliorates Inflammatory Response and Intracellular Survival of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Alveolar Type II Cells

Scientists estimated the role of miR-340-5p in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected alveolar type II cells.
[infection and Drug Resistance]
Zhang, B., Li, H., Zhang, J., Hang, Y., & Xu, Y. (2021, April 21). <p>Overexpression of microRNA-340-5p Ameliorates Inflammatory Response and Intracellular Survival of <em>Mycobacterium Tuberculosis</em> in Alveolar Type II Cells</p>. Infection and Drug Resistance. https://doi.org/10.2147/IDR.S291867 Cite