Inverse Agonism at the Na/K‐ATPase Receptor Reverses EMT in Prostate Cancer Cells

The authors showed that the loss of cell surface expression of Na/K‐ATPase α1 induced epithelial–mesenchymal transition and promoted metastatic potential and tumor growth of prostate cancer by decreasing the expression of E‐cadherin and increasing c‐Myc expression via the activation of Src/FAK pathways.
Banerjee, M., Li, Z., Gao, Y., Lai, F., Huang, M., Zhang, Z., Cai, L., Sanabria, J., Gao, T., Xie, Z., & Pierre, S. V. (n.d.). Inverse agonism at the Na/K-ATPase receptor reverses EMT in prostate cancer cells. The Prostate, n/a(n/a). Cite