Peripherally Active Dextromethorphan Derivatives Lower Blood Glucose Levels by Targeting Pancreatic Islets

Investigators showed that basic nitrogen-containing residues blocked central adverse events of Dextromethorphan without reducing its anti-diabetic effects, including the protection of human pancreatic islets from cell death.
[Cell Chemical Biology]
Scholz, O., Otter, S., Welters, A., Wörmeyer, L., Dolenšek, J., Klemen, M. S., Pohorec, V., Eberhard, D., Mrugala, J., Hamacher, A., Koch, A., Sanz, M., Hoffmann, T., Hogeback, J., Herebian, D., Klöcker, N., Piechot, A., Mayatepek, E., Meissner, T., … Lammert, E. (2021). Peripherally active dextromethorphan derivatives lower blood glucose levels by targeting pancreatic islets. Cell Chemical Biology, 0(0). Cite