Genome-Scale Comparative Analysis for Host Resistance against Sea Lice between Atlantic Salmon and Rainbow Trout

Researchers identified genomic regions associated with resistance to Caligus rogercresseyi in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout by performing single-step Genome-Wide Association studies, and identify candidate genes related to trait variation based on exploring orthologous genes within the associated regions across species.
[Scientific Reports]
Han, K., Nam, J., Xu, J., Sun, X., Huang, X., Animasahun, O., Achreja, A., Jeon, J. H., Pursley, B., Kamada, N., Chen, G. Y., Nagrath, D., & Moon, J. J. (2021). Generation of systemic antitumour immunity via the in situ modulation of the gut microbiome by an orally administered inulin gel. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 1–12. Cite
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