Novel Enzymatic Cross-Linking–Based Hydrogel Nanofilm Caging System on Pancreatic β Cell Spheroid for Long-Term Blood Glucose Regulation

Researchers demonstrated a multilayer hydrogel nanofilm caging strategy capable of protecting cells from high shear stress and reducing immune response by interfering cell-cell interaction.
[Science Advances]
Kim, M., Kim, H., Lee, Y., Lee, S., Kim, S.-E., Lee, U.-J., Jung, S., Park, C.-G., Hong, J., Doh, J., Lee, D. Y., Kim, B.-G., & Hwang, N. S. (2021). Novel enzymatic cross-linking–based hydrogel nanofilm caging system on pancreatic β cell spheroid for long-term blood glucose regulation. Science Advances, 7(26), eabf7832. Cite
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