CircC16orf62 Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression through the miR-138-5p/PTK2/AKT Axis

Gain or loss-of-function studies indicated that the reduction of CircC16orf62 expression promoted the proliferation, invasion, and glycolysis of hepatocellular carcinoma in vitro and in vivo.
[Cell Death & Disease]
Zhang, S., Lu, Y., Jiang, H.-Y., Cheng, Z.-M., Wei, Z.-J., Wei, Y.-H., Liu, T., Xia, B.-J., Zhao, X.-Y., Huang, Y., Zou, X., Liu, R., & Zhou, S. (2021). CircC16orf62 promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression through the miR-138-5p/PTK2/AKT axis. Cell Death & Disease, 12(6), 1–13. Cite
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