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A Positive Feedback Loop: RAD18-YAP-TGF-β between Triple-Negative Breast Cancer and Macrophages Regulates Cancer Stemness and Progression

[Cell Death Discovery] TGF-β from tumor-associated macrophages activated RAD18 in triple-negative breast cancer to enhance tumor stemness, forming a positive feedback loop. Inhibition of YAP or TGF-β broke this loop and suppressed cancer stemness and proliferation.

Cell-Intrinsic Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Signaling Is Required for the Resolution of Injury-Induced Colonic Stem Cells

[Nature Communications] Investigators showed that the aryl hydrocarbon receptor was important for the termination of the regenerative response and the reacquisition of mature epithelial cell identity post injury in vivo and in organoid cultures in vitro.

Cellular Heterogeneity and Transcriptomic Profiles during Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Initiation and Progression

[Hepatology] Researchers performed single-cell RNA-sequencing using AKT/NICD-induced mouse intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma tissues at early, middle, and late stages.

Single Cell Transcriptional Diversity and Intercellular Crosstalk of Human Liver Cancer

[Cell Death & Disease] Researchers assessed transcriptional diversity in 15 liver cancer patients by single-cell transcriptome analysis and observed that transcriptional diversity of tumor cells was associated with stemness in liver cancer patients.

Fibrous Structure and Stiffness of Designer Protein Hydrogels Synergize to Regulate Endothelial Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells

[Biomacromolecules] Scientists presented two series of fibrous and porous hydrogels and used them as substrates to study the mechanoresponses of bone marrow MSCs to stiffness and fibrous structure.

Clock-Modified Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Therapy Rescues Molecular Circadian Oscillation and Age-Related Bone Loss via miR142-3p/Bmal1/YAP Signaling Axis

[Cell Death Discovery] Proliferation capability, osteogenic lineage commitment, senescence-associated secreted phenotype and circadian oscillation of clock genes under osteogenic condition were assessed in bone marrow MSCs from young adult and aged adult mice.
