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CCL17 Aggravates Myocardial Injury by Suppressing Recruitment of Regulatory T Cells

[Circulation] Investigators utilized mouse models of reperfused myocardial infarction, angiotensin II and phenylephrine infusion, and diphtheria toxin cardiomyocyte ablation to investigate C-C chemokine ligand 17.

Zinc Finger Protein Zfp335 Controls Early T Cell Development and Survival through β-Selection-Dependent and -Independent Mechanisms

[eLife] Scientists identified Zfp335 transcription factor as a new player in the regulatory network controlling thymocyte development in mice.

T Cell Responses to the Microbiota

[Annual Reviews of Immunology] Scientists discussed known T cell–microbe interactions in the gut and placed them in the context of an algorithmic framework of recognition, context-dependent interpretation, and response circuits across multiple levels of microbial recognition resolution.

LAVA Therapeutics Announces Treatment of First Patient in Phase I/IIa Clinical Trial of LAVA-1207 for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

[LAVA Therapeutics] LAVA Therapeutics announced dosing of the first patient in the company’s Phase I/IIa clinical trial of LAVA-1207 in patients with metastatic CRPC.

Neoadjuvant Therapy Induces a Potent Immune Response to Sarcoma, Dominated by Myeloid and B Cells

[Clinical Cancer Research] Researchers characterized changes in the soft tissue sarcoma tumor immune microenvironment induced by standard neoadjuvant therapy with the goal of informing neoadjuvant immunotherapy trial design.

Tumor Cell Apoptosis Modulates the Colorectal Cancer Immune Microenvironment via Interleukin-8-Dependent Neutrophil Recruitment

[Cell Death & Disease] The authors investigated the impact of apoptotic colorectal cancer cells on neutrophils and its consequence on other immune cells of the tumor microenvironment.
