Tag results:

mesenchymal cells

3D Mesenchymal Cell Migration Is Driven by Anterior Cellular Contraction That Generates an Extracellular Matrix Prestrain

[Developmental Cell] The authors describe a cellular contractile mechanism employed by fibroblasts and mesenchymal cancer cells to migrate in 3D collagen gels.

USP34 Regulates Tooth Root Morphogenesis by Stabilizing NFIC

[International Journal of Oral Science] The authors showed that ubiquitin-specific protease 34 (USP34) plays a pivotal role in root formation. Deletion of Usp34 in dental mesenchymal cells led to short root anomaly, characterized by truncated roots and thin root dentin.

Culture and Analysis of Kidney Tubuloids and Perfused Tubuloid Cells-on-a-Chip

[Nature Protocols] Scientists describe a detailed protocol for establishing tubuloid cultures from tissue and urine, as well as for generating and characterizing tubuloid cell–derived 3D tubular structures in a perfused microfluidic multi-chip platform.

Depletion of H3K36me2 Recapitulates Epigenomic and Phenotypic Changes Induced by the H3.3K36M Oncohistone Mutation

[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America] Researchers specifically depleted H3K36me2 or H3K36me3 in mesenchymal cells, using CRISPR-Cas9 to separately knock out the corresponding methyltransferases NSD1/2 or SETD2.

PDGFRb+ Mesenchymal Cells, but not NG2+ Mural Cells, Contribute to Cardiac Fat

[Cell Reports] Scientists performed lineage tracing studies by using various genetic models and find that cardiac mesenchymal cells contribute to cardiac adipocytes in postnatal development and adult homeostasis.

SCA-1 Micro-Heterogeneity in the Fate Decision of Dystrophic Fibro/Adipogenic Progenitors

[Cell Death & Disease] The authors suggest that micro-heterogeneity takes part in the fate decision of a mesenchymal cell population involved in the pathogenesis of a genetic disease.
