Tag results:

mesenchymal stem cells

Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Emerging Therapeutic Approach

[Cell and Tissue Research] The authors focus on the latest research and applications of human-derived umbilical cord MSC in the treatment and management of T2DM, exploring and systematizing the key effects of both umbilical cord MSC and its factor-rich secretome accordingly with the major complications associated to T2DM.

Inhibition of Aberrant Tissue Remodeling by Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Singly Coated with Soft Gels Presenting Defined Chemomechanical Cues

[Nature Biomedical Engineering] The authors showed that MSCs singly coated with a soft conformal gel presenting defined chemomechanical cues promoted matrix remodeling by secreting soluble interstitial collagenases in response to the presence of tumour necrosis factor alpha.

The N6-Methyladenosine Demethylase ALKBH5 Negatively Regulates the Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells through PRMT6

[Cell Death & Disease] Researchers showed that conditional knockout of the demethylase Alkbh5 in bone marrow MSCs strengthened bone mass in mice.

3D Bioprinting of Polythiophene Materials for Promoting Stem Cell Proliferation in a Nutritionally Deficient Environment

[ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces] PMNT was confirmed to promote human umbilical cord-derived MSC proliferation in a serum-free medium by driving cell cycles and up-regulating gene expression in the pathways of biosynthesis and the metabolism.

Matrigel/Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Granulosa Cell Proliferation and Ovarian Vascularization in a Mouse Model of Premature Ovarian Failure

[Stem Cells and Development] Investigators aimed to fabricate a Matrigel scaffold loaded with human umbilical cord-derived MSCs and explore its potential to restore ovarian function and repair ovarian structures in vitro and in vivo.

Human-Derived Treg and MSC Combination Therapy May Augment Immunosuppressive Potency In Vitro, but Did Not Improve Blood Brain Barrier Integrity in an Experimental Rat...

[PLOS One] Researchers compared the ability of regulatory T cells (Treg) + mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) combination therapy, as well as MSC and Treg monotherapies, to improve blood brain barrier permeability in vivo and suppress inflammation in vitro.
