Tag results:

protein expression

Repositioning of a Novel GABA-B Receptor Agonist, AZD3355 (Lesogaberan), for the Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis

[Scientific Reports] Lesogaberan’s potential efficacy in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) was tested in human stellate cells, human precision cut liver slices, and in vivo in a well-validated murine model of NASH.

Gene Transfer of MRCKα Rescues Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury by Restoring Alveolar Capillary Barrier Function

[Scientific Reports] Researchers investigated whether electroporation-mediated gene transfer of MRCKα to the lungs can attenuate LPS-induced acute lung injury in vivo.

Human ESC-Derived Neuromesodermal Progenitors (NMPs) Successfully Differentiate into Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)

[Stem Cell Reviews and Reports] The authors generated NMPs from human ESCs, subsequently derived MSCs and characterized this cell population in vitro and in vivo. NMP-derived MSCs were plastic adherent fibroblast like cells with colony forming capacity and trilineage (osteo-, chondro- and adipo-genic) differentiation potential.

Multiple Channels with Interconnected Pores in a Bioceramic Scaffold Promote Bone Tissue Formation

[Scientific Reports] The authors developed a cell- and growth factor-free approach to induce bone formation in a critical-size bone defect by using an interconnected porous beta-tricalcium phosphate scaffold with multiple channels.

The Physiological Role of β-Cell Heterogeneity in Pancreatic Islet Function

[Nature Reviews Endocrinology] The focus of this Review is the description of how endocrine cell heterogeneity affects the regulation of hormone secretion within the islets of Langerhans.

Copine 3 “CPNE3” Is a Novel Regulator for Insulin Secretion and Glucose Uptake in Pancreatic β-Cells

[Scientific Reports] Copine 3 (CPNE3) is a calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding protein that has been found to play an essential role in cancer progression and stages. RNA sequencing and microarray data revealed that CPNE3 was highly expressed in human islets compared to other CPNE genes.
