Tag results:

single-cell RNA sequencing

Single-Cell Analysis Reveals the Immune Characteristics of Myeloid Cells and Memory T Cells in Recovered COVID-19 Patients with Different Severities

[Frontiers in Immunology] According to large-scale single-cell analysis, recovered patients, who had severe symptoms, still exhibited peripheral immune disorders one-two months after symptom onset.

ID2 Controls Differentiation of Enteroendocrine Cells in Mouse Small Intestine

[Acta Physiologica] To assess the functions of ID2 in the adult mouse small intestine, investigators used single-cell RNA sequencing, genetically modified mice, and organoid assays.

M-CSFR/CSF1R Signaling Regulates Myeloid Fates in Zebrafish via Distinct Action of Its Receptors and Ligands

[Blood Advances] The authors investigated the roles of zebrafish colony-stimulating factor receptor (Csf1rs) and their ligands - Csf1a, Csf1b and Il34, in embryonic and adult myelopoiesis.

Induction of Rosette-to-Lumen Stage Embryoids Using Reprogramming Paradigms in ESCs

[Nature Communications] Scientists provided evidence that embryo-like structures can be generated solely based on transcription factor-mediated reprogramming of embryonic stem cells in a simple 3D co-culture system.

Ontogeny and Vulnerabilities of Drug-Tolerant Persisters in HER2+ Breast Cancer

[Cancer Discovery] Lentiviral barcoding/single cell RNA-sequencing reveal that HER2+ breast cancer cells cycle stochastically through a "pre-drug-tolerant persister" state, characterized by a G0-like expression signature and enriched for diapause and/or senescence genes.

Single-Cell Characterization of Monolayer Cultured Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells with Enhanced Differentiation Capacity

[International Journal of Oral Science] Researchers employed single-cell RNA sequencing to comprehensively study the transcriptional difference between the freshly isolated and monolayer cultured dental-pulp stem cells.
