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Nanovaccines for Advancing Long-Lasting Immunity Against Infectious Diseases

[ACS Nano] The authors describe how nanovaccines could address the challenges for conventional vaccines in stimulating adaptive immune memory responses to protect against reinfection.

Programmed Cell Death in Hepatic Fibrosis: Current and Perspectives

[Cell Death Discovery] The authors summarize the characteristics of various hepatic fibrosis and programmed cell death, focus on the latest progress of programmed cell death in the promotion and regression of hepatic fibrosis, and highlight the different roles of the programmed cell death of hepatic stellate cells and other liver cells in hepatic fibrosis.

The Highs and Lows of Cyclic Thrombocytopenia

[British Journal Of Haematology] While the aetiology of cyclic thrombocytopenia remains uncertain, the authors evaluate historical, theoretical, and clinical findings to provide a framework for understanding cyclic thrombocytopenia pathophysiology.

CAR-T Cell Immunotherapy for Ovarian Cancer: Hushing the Silent Killer

[Frontiers In Immunology] Investigators outline the principles of CAR-T therapy and then highlight its limitations in the context of solid tumors. They focus on preclinical and clinical findings achieved in CAR-T-mediated targeting of different ovarian cancer-associated target antigens.

Dysregulation of Delta Np63 Alpha in Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Its Therapeutic Targeting

[Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Reviews On Cancer] Scientists provide an in-depth insight into the role of ∆Np63α in the development of squamous cell carcinomas during different stages of tumor formation and how it may be targeted for therapeutic implications.

Protective Role of Stem Cells in POI: Current Status and Mechanism of Action, a Review Article

[Heliyon] Investigators describe a detailed account of the potential properties of different types of stem cells and provides a comprehensive review of their protective mechanisms, particularly mesenchymal stem cells, in premature ovarian insufficiency disorder.
