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A Prismatic View of the Epigenetic-Metabolic Regulatory Axis in Breast Cancer Therapy Resistance

[Oncogene] The authors discuss interconnected epigenetic and metabolic regulatory pathways and then integrate them into an observable cancer metabolism-therapy-resistance axis that may inform clinical intervention.

Forward Programming Human Pluripotent Stem Cells into Microglia

[Trends in Cell Biology] Investigators provide a comprehensive assessment of published forward programming protocols that are based on forced expression of key lineage transcription factors.

Atypical Chemokine Receptors in the Immune System

[Nature Reviews Immunology] The authors described the contribution of the various atypical chemokine receptors to innate and adaptive immune responses, focussing specifically on recent progress.

Cancer Stem-Like Cells in Uveal Melanoma: Novel Insights and Therapeutic Implications

[Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Reviews On Cancer] Scientists discuss the state of the art of CSC biology and their potential exploitation as therapeutic target in uveal melanoma.

Thymocyte Migration and Emigration

[Immunology Letters] Investigators review the contribution of the key factors mentioned above for the localization, migration and emigration of thymocytes.

Epigenetic Reprograming in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Narrative of Latent Viruses

[Journal Of Internal Medicine] Investigators provide an overview of the epigenetic signatures demonstrated in myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and focus on the potential strategies that latent viruses—particularly Epstein–Barr virus—may employ in long-term epigenetic reprograming in ME/CFS.
