18F-Meta-Fluorobenzylguanidine (18F-mFBG) to Monitor Changes in Norepinephrine Transporter Expression in Response to Therapeutic Intervention in Neuroblastoma Models

Researchers investigated the potential of 18F-mFBG, a positron emission tomography analogue of the 123I-mIBG radiotracer, to quantify norepinephrine transporter expression levels in mouse models of neuroblastoma following treatment with AZD2014, a dual mTOR inhibitor.
[Scientific Reports]
Turnock, S., Turton, D. R., Martins, C. D., Chesler, L., Wilson, T. C., Gouverneur, V., Smith, G., & Kramer-Marek, G. (2020). 18 F-meta-fluorobenzylguanidine ( 18 F-mFBG) to monitor changes in norepinephrine transporter expression in response to therapeutic intervention in neuroblastoma models. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 20918. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77788-3 Cite
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