New Insights and Enhanced Human Norovirus Cultivation in Human Intestinal Enteroids

Human intestinal stem cell-derived enteroids did not support virus replication from every HuNoV-positive stool sample, which led the authors to test and optimize new medium conditions, identify characteristics of stool samples that allow replication, and evaluate consistency of replication over time.
Ettayebi, K., Tenge, V. R., Cortes-Penfield, N. W., Crawford, S. E., Neill, F. H., Zeng, X.-L., Yu, X., Ayyar, B. V., Burrin, D., Ramani, S., Atmar, R. L., & Estes, M. K. (2021). New Insights and Enhanced Human Norovirus Cultivation in Human Intestinal Enteroids. MSphere, 6(1). Cite
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