Dynamic Spatiotemporal Coordination of Neural Stem Cell Fate Decisions Occurs through Local Feedback in the Adult Vertebrate Brain

The authors combined dynamic imaging of entire neural stem cell (NSC) populations in their in vivo niche over several weeks with pharmacological manipulations, mathematical modeling, and spatial statistics and demonstrated that NSCs use spatiotemporally resolved local feedback signals to coordinate their decision to divide in adult zebrafish brains.
[Cell Stem Cell]
Dray, N., Mancini, L., Binshtok, U., Cheysson, F., Supatto, W., Mahou, P., Bedu, S., Ortica, S., Than-Trong, E., Krecsmarik, M., Herbert, S., Masson, J.-B., Tinevez, J.-Y., Lang, G., Beaurepaire, E., Sprinzak, D., & Bally-Cuif, L. (2021). Dynamic spatiotemporal coordination of neural stem cell fate decisions occurs through local feedback in the adult vertebrate brain. Cell Stem Cell, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2021.03.014 Cite
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