Astrocytes and Neurons Share Region-Specific Transcriptional Signatures That Confer Regional Identity to Neuronal Reprogramming

Investigators showed that in the neocortex and thalamus, neurons and astrocytes express shared region-specific transcriptional and epigenetic signatures.
[Science Advances]
Herrero-Navarro, Á., Puche-Aroca, L., Moreno-Juan, V., Sempere-Ferràndez, A., Espinosa, A., Susín, R., Torres-Masjoan, L., Leyva-Díaz, E., Karow, M., Figueres-Oñate, M., López-Mascaraque, L., López-Atalaya, J. P., Berninger, B., & López-Bendito, G. (2021). Astrocytes and neurons share region-specific transcriptional signatures that confer regional identity to neuronal reprogramming. Science Advances, 7(15), eabe8978. Cite
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