Transcriptional Control of DNA Repair Networks by CDK7 Regulates Sensitivity to Radiation in MYC-Driven Medulloblastoma

To identify therapeutic targets in MYC-amplified medulloblastoma, investigators employed a CRISPR-Cas9 essentiality screen targeting 1,140 genes. They identified CDK7 as a mediator of medulloblastoma tumorigenesis.
[Cell Reports]
Veo, B., Danis, E., Pierce, A., Wang, D., Fosmire, S., Sullivan, K. D., Joshi, M., Khanal, S., Dahl, N., Karam, S., Serkova, N., Venkataraman, S., & Vibhakar, R. (2021). Transcriptional control of DNA repair networks by CDK7 regulates sensitivity to radiation in MYC-driven medulloblastoma. Cell Reports, 35(4). Cite
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