GABA-Receptive Microglia Selectively Sculpt Developing Inhibitory Circuits

Investigators showed that GABA-receptive microglia selectively interacted with inhibitory cortical synapses during a critical window of mouse postnatal development.
Favuzzi, E., Huang, S., Saldi, G. A., Binan, L., Ibrahim, L. A., Fernández-Otero, M., Cao, Y., Zeine, A., Sefah, A., Zheng, K., Xu, Q., Khlestova, E., Farhi, S. L., Bonneau, R., Datta, S. R., Stevens, B., & Fishell, G. (2021). GABA-receptive microglia selectively sculpt developing inhibitory circuits. Cell, 0(0). Cite
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