Inhibition of Axin1 in Osteoblast Precursor Cells Leads to Defects in Postnatal Bone Growth through Suppressing Osteoclast Formation

Osteoclast formation in primary bone marrow derived microphage (BMM) cells was significantly decreased when BMM cells were cultured with conditioned media (CM) collected from osteoblasts derived from Axin1Osx mice compared with BMM cells cultured with CM derived from WT mice.
[Bone Research]
Shu, B., Zhao, Y., Zhao, S., Pan, H., Xie, R., Yi, D., Lu, K., Yang, J., Xue, C., Huang, J., Wang, J., Zhao, D., Xiao, G., Wang, Y., & Chen, D. (2020). Inhibition of Axin1 in osteoblast precursor cells leads to defects in postnatal bone growth through suppressing osteoclast formation. Bone Research, 8(1), 1–8. Cite
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